Genova Cornigliano: Current Weather Conditions at 10/08/2021 20:06:00

Yearly Statistics and Plots

temperatures barometer temperatures rain rain wind Hi Wind Wind Vector Batteries Daily highs and lows and dew point for the year
Calendar Year
High Temperature
Low Temperature
33,7°C at 18/07/2021 12:20:24
-0,6°C at 14/02/2021 07:01:21
High Heat Index 36,4°C at 18/07/2021 12:35:22
Low Wind Chill -6,0°C at 14/02/2021 06:42:51
High Humidity
Low Humidity
95% 22/01/2021 16:50:41
10% 07/04/2021 18:20:26
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
23,7°C 28/07/2021 15:46:48
-17,7°C 07/04/2021 18:21:49
High Barometer
Low Barometer
1043,8 mbar at 14/02/2021 11:18:03
994,1 mbar at 23/01/2021 01:03:00
Rain Total 613,2 mm
High Rain Rate 137,2 mm/ora at 07/02/2021 10:17:38
High Wind Speed 37 km/h from 61° at 18/05/2021 14:43:09
Average Wind 3 km/h
RMS Wind 4 km/h
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
3 km/h
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
31,4°C at 19/07/2021 15:35:00
16,1°C at 15/02/2021 17:43:04


Rain Year (1-gen start)
Rain Year Total 613,2 mm
High Rain Rate 137,2 mm/ora at 07/02/2021 10:17:38